Sunday, October 30, 2011


Primary Focus: Government

Idiocracy is this crazy hilarious movie where literally everybody is stupid beyond belief.  The background story is that the main character (Joe) is put in a freezing chamber for what was supposed to be 1 year and is forgotten there for 500 years. He wakes up in a time where the human race has taken on every aspect of the definition of "dumb as a doorknob." He ends up taking some incredibly easy test in prison and is named the smartest person on the planet. We letter learn that the whole government is also run by idiots. I feel like this shows the impact of government in society. With the government run by idiots there was no possible way that anyone could get an education so everyone essentially followed in the path of the government and of society as a whole. This makes me see how much of the future is actually really dependent on our government. Having our government end up like the government in Idiocracy is an exaggeration for comical purpose but it fair to say that in the future if our government goes down then society will most likely go down with it. In a sense government is to society as a parent would be to their child. Government is very influential and if they fail to keep civilization on track or if they end sacrificing everything for stability like in "Brave New World" then we'll be facing a bleak future that will most likely contain society in a dehumanized state.

1 comment:

  1. "...the whole government is also run by idiots."

    You know some critics right now would agree to that statement. ("The No Child Left Behind Act" and Bush are believed to have slowed down education).

    I also think it's an exaggeration on our society and education; there's a trend where people don't seem to be motivated to learn anymore.
