Futurama is a comedy cartoon show similar to Family Guy or South Park. Futurama takes place in the year 3000, nearly 1000 years in to the future from present day. The video is the intro to the show which gives a good idea of the setting for anyone who has never watched it. The intro shows a number of iconic future scenes which includes spaceships flying around in the air in the city, cars that hover above the ground as they’re driving around, and people flying through giant glass tubes that takes them all around the city instead of them having to walk. Technological advances such as these are common in most people’s perception of the future but one of the things that Futurama has that is uncommon in robots and aliens walking among humans which shows a vision that in 1000 years time our civilization will be so advanced that we will be able to create robots that can act just like humans, make contact with others life forms, and even have the technology to travel to different planets. The world of Futurama is such a fun and magical world that it would seem that the creator’s perception society is that we’re on the right track, and that we’ll only continue to advance in technology that’ll better our world. While that is mostly true, there are episodes that show the downsides of having a society like Futurama. One episode touched on environmental damage which shows that they believe the environmental problems we have today will continue even in 1000 years. Another touched on the risks of being in contact with other dangerous life forms. Even though he show is mainly for comedy, it can also be interpreted as a way of saying let the cards fall where they may. The world will continue to amaze us each day, but at the same time our problems will never go away. We may never reach a utopian status but the earth may not be completely doomed like other artists may say.
Futurama as the future would seem pretty cool. In the cartoons they live more advanced , So i deffinitly agree with you Dougiee!
ReplyDeleteGreat choice, Doug