Friday, January 13, 2012

The Pretties #4

“Tally blinked. It hadn’t crossed her mind to wonder about the jackets everything was always ultra-safe in New Pretty Town, otherwise new pretties would kill themselves left and right.”
Pg 271

Reaction: This quote is so funny because it shows how stupid and reckless the 'new pretties' are. They literally need a padded room equivalent of a city in order to just keep these people alive. It really seems like either these people have no care for their lives since they're constantly so reckless or they now how safety-proofed the whole city is so then they have no reason not to be reckless. Either way it just shows how much 'Special Circumstances' need to be constantly babysitting these air-heads of a population they created.

Analysis: The author is showing how vulnerable and needy this population of people really is. On top of the constant surveillance they are kept in to make sure that they aren't doing anything that might threaten their way of life they also have to figuratively bubble wrap the whole city since these people are too stupid to know how to not get themselves killed all the time. This shows a huge weakness of this civilization - the 'pretties' have to be on a 24/7 non stop baby sitting service for every single thing they do. The thing is they make people seem like their independent when in fact they depend on the city for every single thing their whole lives. The people basically become nothing but little new born babies for the city to watch over, and it really makes you wonder 'For what point?' There seems to be very little purpose to life in this civilization when looking at things from the outside.

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